Supplying your retail outlet with quality fuels is at the heart of City Mart Energy. We strive to offer a strong mix of branded and unbranded fuel programs that can fulfill all of your supply needs.
We proudly offer Sunoco branded fuels! The Sunoco brand offers your location unique products that will give you a competitive advantage in your market. Sunoco’s commitment to provide premium fuels combined with a unique imaging and marketing program provide for an exciting opportunity for dealers.
City Mart Energy has teamed up with Valero to offer Valero’s entire deck of brands to our customers! Valero’s strong brand recognition paired with its aggressive branding programs make it a leader in retail fuel supply. Our sales team is eager to present the numerous options Valero offers to you and your team!
We are proud to have teamed with Alon to offer their brand to our customers! Alon’s refining and terminal assets make them a brand leader in our area. Their unique brand promotion, aggressive credit card fees, and customer oriented service make Alon a strong partner for your retail sites.
Accel Fuels is our proprietary brand that offers your location the ability to sell unbranded fuels while also offering many of the perks associated with major brands. We have developed an eye-catching image that stands out against competition. Coupling our unique image with the benefits of unbranded fuel pricing and also offering some the cheapest credit card processing in the industry makes Accel Fuels a leader in unbranded fuel marketing.
City Mart Energy also offers your location traditional unbranded fuel marketing programs that will allow you the flexibility of purchasing the cheapest fuels available in the market. These programs when paired with our other programs will offer you the ability to increase your profit margins not only at the pump, but through all aspects of store, as well.
To learn more about all of our exciting programs…just “click” on each of the menus on the left of this page!